Study + Service-Learning Combo

Study + Service-Learning Combo

Our Study + Service-Learning combo programs provide you the unique opportunity to take courses at an ISA host university and engage with the local community through service-learning. We offer semester, summer and intensive month combo programs in select ISA Service-Learning locations.

On a Semester + Service-Learning program, your service-learning schedule will be determined after your course schedule with the host university is finalized. On average, you will spend 5-10 hours per week at your service-learning host organization.

Highlights of Semester Study Abroad + Service-Learning programs:

  • Service-learning completed part-time throughout fall or spring semester
  • Average 5-10 per week at your host organization
  • Unique opportunity to engage with your host community while taking courses


On a Summer or Intensive Month + Service-Learning program, you will complete your ISA study abroad program at your host university before beginning your service-learning experience. We add 4 weeks of full-time service-learning to the end of the study abroad program. You will confirm your service-learning schedule during your last week of the study abroad program. On average, you will spend 20-25 hours per week at your host organization.

Highlights of Summer or Intensive Month Study Abroad + Service-Learning:

  • Take 4-6 weeks of summer or intensive language courses followed by 4 weeks of full-time service-learning
  • Spend an extra 4 weeks abroad!
  • Average 20-25 per week at your host organization
  • Improve your language skills and familiarize yourself with the culture before serving at a host organization
Valparaíso, Chile
San José, Costa Rica
Prague, Czech Republic
Galway, Ireland
Meknes, Morocco
Cusco, Peru
Lima, Peru
Cape Town, South Africa
Granada, Spain
Salamanca, Spain