Learning does not happen as the result of an experience itself, but through intentional reflection upon an experience.
Therefore, a vital part of service-learning is critical reflection through a guided curriculum. This is what distinguishes service-learning from just a community service or volunteering experience.
All service-learning students will be enrolled in our service-learning course. This course will provide you with a framework to examine your experience, learn about social issues affecting your host community, and demonstrate your professional and cultural competencies achieved during your time abroad.
Your ISA Service-Learning Course consists of the following:

Reflective Journal
A series of prompts that elicit reflection on personal experiences through a critical lens.

Shared Reflections
A platform for online, real-time discussion between service-learning participants across all sites

Group Discussions
Regular group forums facilitated by your ISA Service-Learning Coordinator are designed to improve your intercultural competency in a wide array of interrelated themes throughout your service

Supervisor Evaluation
A source of feedback from your host organization supervisor about your contribution to the host organization and community

Log of Hours
A log of your service hours at the host organization

Certificate of Completion
A document that demonstrates the successful completion of your program; lists the number of contact hours accrued, group discussions attended, and the portfolio assignments completed
Academic Credit
If you are interested in earning academic credit for your service-learning experience abroad, you may explore the following options:
Option 1: Transfer Credit from University of South Florida
ISA Service-Learning has partnered with University of South Florida (USF) to offer a U.S. transcript for all ISA Service-Learning programs. A USF transcript will be sent to the student's home institution 2-3 months after the program end date. Credit awarded will be based on the number of contact hours accrued at the host organization, the completion of written reflection assignments, and a supervisor evaluation. Students will receive a letter grade.
45 service hours = 1 credit hour
Credit and transcript fees:
- 4-week program: 2 credits, $275 (90 contact hours)
- 6-week program: 3 credits, $275 (135 contact hours)
- 8-week program: 4 credits, $375 (180 contact hours)
- Summer + Service-Learning program: 2 credits, $275 (90 contact hours)
- Semester + Service-Learning program: 1 credit, $275 (45 contact hours)
Option 2: Credit From Your Home Institution
Participants may work with their home university to receive academic credit for their program. Each academic institution has a unique policy for granting credit, thus students should inquire about receiving academic credit with their home university advisors, professors, and/or academic department heads. Many ISA Service-Learning participants have successfully received “Independent Study,” “Internship,” “Directed Studies,” or “Special Topics” credit for their program by presenting their ISA Service-Learning Portfolio.
*Over 70% of students do seek credit for their ISA Service-Learning experience, however, you can also choose to pass on credit and just go for the experience!
Data From Alumni Survey

Felt their service-learning experience allowed them to make a personal contribution to the mission of their host organization

Said they continue to serve in their local communities

Agreed that their service learning program helped shape the focus of their career